Countdown has begun for our COME CELEBRATE LAVENDER CONFERENCE! Registration is live at

We are adding a virtual option for those of you who are not able to attend in person. Check back here or follow on FB to register for the virtual conference

Thank you for a great season, we are now closed except by appointment,  classes or special  events! 

We appreciate everyone who has visited this past year and look forward to serving you next year!  

If you are traveling through feel free to contact us at 276-621-4511, text 276-920-0363 or email at

Our mission is to educate the public, all age ranges, to enjoy all aspects for the outdoors and conserve it for the next generation.  Our goal is to teach you to enjoy what nature has to offer. Whether working in the garden, hiking on the trails, making an herbal craft or just sitting and watching the birds while you enjoy a cup of herbal tea: we have something for you to do at Beagle Ridge. Whether you are coming for Lavender bloom, walking through the butterfly house or just coming to shop, we hope to see you this summer.
Come take a class or just spend the day enjoying the great outdoors. 

Virginia is for Lovers! Come see our LOVE sign.

Please call 276-621-4511 or email us at for current information. 

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with us.

Join us in 2025 for one of our Lavender Academy weekends.  Lavender Academy is a two day intensive class on Lavender 101 and beyond. Over the past 6 years we have been joined by over 400 growers from all over the country as they come to learn about how to plant, cultivate, harvest and market their lavender crop and grow their Lavender business. Message us for particulars and an agenda. we hope to see you at one of our academies.